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                                    7BIENESTAR ANIMALconsideren que trabajar con animales es una experiencia enriquecedora y placentera para ellos y de este modo estaremos asegurando buenas prácticas ganaderas, bienestar animal y rentabilidad del sistema.REFERENCIAS– Ajzen I, Fishbein M (1980) La comprensión de las actitudes y la predicción de la conducta social. Nueva Jersey: PrenticeHall, Fundación Purina, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 278.– Grandin, T. 1997. Assessment of stress during handling and transport. J. Anim. Sci. 75:249–257.– Hemsworth PH, Coleman GJ (1998) Human-livestock interactions: the stockperson and the productivity and welfare of intensively farmed animals. CAB International, London, UK, pp. 140.– Hemsworth, PH, Barnett, JL and Borg, S (2000) Relationships between human-animal interactions and productivity of commercial dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science 78, 2821–2831.– Hemsworth, PH and Coleman, GJ (2011) Human- Livestock Interctions, 2nd Edn. Wallingford, UK: CABI Head Office.– Huertas S.; Mota-Rojas, D.; Zermeño-Acosta, M.; Borderas, F.; Trujillo, ME.; Romero, M. Bienestar Animal: una visión global en Iberoamérica Edition: Third edition (2016). Chapter: Capítulo 18. Evaluación de los métodos de arreo en animales de abasto. Libro Bienestar Animal. Editorial Elsevier, España. Publisher: editorial elsevier España.– Ivemeyer S, Knierim U and Waiblinger S (2011) Effect of human-animal relationship and management on udder health in Swiss dairy herds. Journal of Dairy Science 94, 5890–5902.– Martínez, G. M., Suárez, V. H., & Ghezzi, M. D. (2016). Influence of the human-animal relationship on productivity and animal welfare in dairy farms. Revista Argentina de Producción Animal, 36(2), 75-82.– Napolitano, F., Bragaglio, A., Sabia, E., Serrapica, F., Braghieri, A., & De Rosa, G. (2020). The human−animal relationship in dairy animals. Journal of Dairy Research, 87(S1), 47-52.– Price EO (1999) Behavioral development in animals undergoing domestication. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 65, 245–271.– Waiblinger S, Boivinb X, Pedersenc V, Tosid MN, Janczake AM, et al. (2006) Assessing the human-animal relationship in farmed species: A critical review. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 101: 185-242.
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